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Hand in Hand

Together for Education in Central America

A Night for Niños

Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 7:00 P.M.

Nikki Beach Miami - Cocktail Attire

Come together hand in hand for a special evening for the ninos! Join us to learn about the fun, innovative projects that each of these organizations is working on for Education in Central America. The evening will include dinner, drinks, auction and entertainment. Please know this event is not a formal sit down gala but rather a cocktail party type of event. Email events@fabretto.org for questions or information on Sponsorship opportunities.


Learn about the Organizations involved in the Evening:

Seeds for Progress - Our Mission: To contribute to the sustainable development of coffee communities in Central America, through quality education, facilitating skill development, creating opportunities for improvement, and complementing generational handover of knowledge and skills.

Oliva Foundation - Our Mission: The Oliva Helping Hands Foundation was established in 2020 to provide a helping hand to the children of Nicaragua and their families to overcome poverty through education, job opportunities, and childcare.

Fabretto Children's Foundation - Our Mission: Fabretto’s mission is to educate and empower underserved children, youth, and their families to enable them to improve their livelihoods and their communities.



Thank you, Sponsors!